Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The young man continued to throw starfish into the ocean knowing that he was making a difference. A few is better than none. Always give someone a chance that you know another might not get. In my opinion the story symbolizes opportunity, and giving. If you have an opportunity to make a difference you should do it. In the story the young man saw he had that opportunity, so he began throwing the starfish back in the water before it was too late. In life some people take the opportunities they have, even though they may not get any kind of reward out of it. Throwing the starfish back into the water shows how much heart and greatness the man had. He knew that he could of left the creatures there, but in his heart he would rather save them, and make that difference. You can make a difference by doing the littlest things, like the man in story. You may not be able to help everyone but helping a few always makes a difference.